The Sanitary Cold Chain
Home of TransCert Certification Services
In-Transit Food Safety
Sanitation and Traceability Certification

Our Newest Training

How to Sanitize Food Carrying Containers:  Preventing the Spread of Disease and Cross Contaminants by Containers Used to Move Food

 (Trucks, trailers, shipping containers pallets, bins, trays)

This is an instructional course for personnel responsible for establishing and maintaining standard procedures for washing and sanitizing containers that are used to move food. Preventing diseases from spreading due to poor sanitation practices in food transportation processes is critical for companies moving food from one place to another. Vicarious liability laws put the food carrier directly in the path of food safety and quality requirements being established throughout the food industry. Establishing good preventive sanitation practices is a basic requirement needed to protect suppliers, customers and the public.

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How to Standardize and Control Food Safety
and Quality During Transportation Processes

new training course is designed to help companies begin to understand how to meet their customer's food transportation food safety and quality requirements.  Beginning with a review of legal requirements and technological capabilities, the 12 hour self-paced on-line course covers international standards and is designed to help individual companies adapt and adjust the standards in order to plan and implement a perishable food transportation control system that meets their external customer requirements.  The course is also designed to provide management with a strategy for standardizing and controlling their company's internal food transportation operations with an eye on upcoming FSMA transportation rules.  Training is on-line, narrated and self paced.

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Transportation Food Safety Leadership Certification Training
Become Certified to Lead Your Company

Sanitary Cold Chain is now offering a Leadership Training course for selected individuals chosen by their companies to lead new transportation food safety certification requirements.  If chosen as a transportation food safety leader, you will be trained to enable your company to meet new legal, customer and other transportation food safety standards and practices that require new container  Management, Training, HACCP, Traceability and Sanitation practices.  Training is on-line, narrated and self paced.

Write to  for more information.  We will send all required information.

Internal Auditor and Team Member 

and External Auditor Certification

Training Information

The Food Safety Modernization Act Section 211 and previously published laws require food transportation to  establish preventive plans that include analysis of potential hazards, preventive controls, monitoring, corrective action, verification and record keeping throughout food supply chain processes. 

Development of the plan and implementation of these responsibilities fall primarily on the shoulders of internal auditors and internal team members.  External audits conducted by certified auditors are used to determine the extent to which planning and implementation have been carried out.  For many companies, these requirements are not new while others have a lot of catching up to do.

Now is the time for personnel responsible for in-transit food safety to begin the implementation process.  The TransCert training programs are now available.  Training is on-line, narrated and self paced.


TransCert External Auditor
Certification  training is now open. 

To become a certified external auditor, you must attend and pass tests for each of seven training modules.  You may register for these mandatory courses at the links listed below.  Internal auditor and team member training requires no testing.

Training is online, narrated and self paced. 

 The  descriptions below describe the modules required to complete all training.

TransCert Module 1A: External Auditor Certification

This Module is an introductory TransCert external auditor certification course. It is recommended that you take this module first. It is followed by Module 1B. Modules 1A and 1B provide an introduction to a number of important sanitation and traceability technologies to be considered in order to meet new standards. Temperature monitoring during transportation processes (trucking, air, rail, ship) are covered.

Training Link:

Please make sure you download the TransCert standards document when you begin.

This is a 10 question quiz that is required to pass modules 1A-6. You must answer at least 6 questions correctly to pass each module.

TransCert Module 1B: External Auditor Certification

Module 1B covers general information required to understand food transporter sanitation and traceability delivery controls. Module 1A and 1B includes a free download of standards, procedures and forms designed to provide team guidance while eliminating long preparation times.

Training Link:

TransCert Module 2: External Auditor Certification

Module 2 describes the basic system guidelines employed by TransCert to provide guidance when choosing which standards and practices apply to your specific company. For instance, a retail or restaurant chain may require full compliance to food transportation management, HACCP, traceability, training and sanitation requirements while a maintenance station may only wish to meet sanitation process control standards.

Training Link:

TransCert Module 3: External Auditor Certification

This Module covers standards and internal auditor checklist details, point scoring and other information required for internal monitoring and verification and for external audit compliance. The module is designed to provide internal auditors and team members with specific management and training requirements needed to pass normal external audit requirements.

Training Link:

TransCert Module 4: External Auditor Certification

This Module covers standards and auditor checklist details, scoring and other information required for compliance. The Module 4 container sanitation and traceability standards provided in Module 4 are based on international requirements for cleaning, testing and ISO requirements for traceability.

Training Link:

TransCert Module 5: External Auditor Certification

Module 5 covers standards and auditor checklist details, point scoring and other information required for HACCP planning and implementation requirements. Internal teams must blend transportation container controls into their existing HACCP plans or develop new plans from scratch. Module 5 covers the details required for both the HACCP planning and specific implementation phases.

Training Link:

TransCert Module 6: External Auditor Certification

Module 6 covers training for a paperless documentation system used for remote data entry and management as well as to capture other information required for audit compliance. The electronic documentation system provides “on the fly” data updating for internal audit teams and a also provides a permanent electronic filing system that reduces internal audit review and external audit and certification time.

Training Link:

TransCert Module 7: External Auditor Certification:

Prevention and Cause and Effect

Module 7 is a supplemental module that teaches basic causal analysis techniques. The module is designed for internal and external auditors and may also be used to train internal audit teams and other company personnel. Newly evolving HACCP requirements and the direction set by the FDA in terms of “preventive planning” require that internal team members clearly understand steps and procedures that lead to prevention.

Training Link: